Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - Wissenschaftliche Berichte - FZKA 6941
of the International Workshop on Quality of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Data
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, October, 20th to 21st , 2003
Christian Bauer, Liselotte Schebek, Jens Warsen,
Sibylle Wursthorn
At present,
a number of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases are available and widely used
by LCA practitioners, and several new database development projects are being
carried out or planned in an increasing number of countries. For all these
databases it is highly important to develop harmonized indicators and
measurement procedures for data quality in order to give an orientation to LCA
practitioners. Therefore, an international process for addressing quality
issues of LCI data sets and databases and a 3rd party peer review has been
proposed in the LCI Definition Study of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative.
different nature (qualitative, quantitative) and level (elementary flow, unit
process, product system) of LCI uncertainty information results in a
challenging task to provide adequate information on data quality and
representativeness in order to supply high quality information and aggregate it
towards higher levels within LCA studies. The rising demand for high-quality
LCI data in various application fields led to numerous approaches addressing
data quality, representativeness, and appropriateness - extending from
qualitative descriptions to stochastic methodologies. Decision-makers and
decision supporters therefore face a multitude of - in parts controversial -
quality criteria and measures, which complicates the selection of LCI data and
interpretation of the reliability of LCA results based upon them. Communication
and transfer of data to and amongst practitioners is even more difficult due to
different ways of quality reporting.
Under the
auspices of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative LCA practitioners in industry,
academies, and consulting, LCI data providers and government agencies have been
invited to convene in this workshop and discuss contentious issues. The aim of
the workshop is to contribute to a guideline document for a structured quality
measurement, documentation and application.
This volume
contains the papers presented at the International Workshop on Quality of LCI
at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe October 20-21 in Karlsruhe, Germany. As the
papers in this proceedings show, the field of Quality of LCI Data is an
important issue in various scientific contexts. Not only detailed theoretical
contributions but also practical examples reveal the need of an international
discussion track towards a common understanding of data quality in terms of
data appropriateness.
Thanks are
due to the contributing authors and participants, the members of the steering
committee and the local organisers without which the conference would not have
been possible.
L. Schebek,
Chair of the steering committee
October 1st, 2003