Transportation of Intense Electron Beams of µs Duration in Vacuum: Beam Characteristics and Beam Target Interaction

V. Engelko1 , G. Mueller2 ,H. Bluhm2

1- Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, 189631, St. Petersburg, Russia

2- Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls- und Mikrowellentechnik, Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany



The application of pulsed intense electron beams for material surface modification to improve the wear, corrosion and oxidation resistance, fatigue strength etc. is an attractive technology and promising industrial perspectives to predict the treatment results and to get stable, reproducible results it is necessary to perform investigations on formation and transportation of pulsed intense electron beams and their interaction with matter.

When an intense electron beam interacts with matter the following processes take place:

Investigations have been carried out with the help of measurements of accelerating voltage U, beam current I, controlling grid current Ig and grid potential Ug, beam current density distribution j(r), intensity of x-ray radiation and its temporal and spatial distribution at the target, beam potential in the drift channel, and so on. Theoretical and numerical investigation related to the mentioned topics were also conducted.

Some of the aspects described above also be presented more detailed in separate papers at this conference. This paper gives an overview about the different effects influencing the characteristics of intense electron beams transported in vacuum.