•Lothar Pintschovius
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik, Postfach
3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe
There is widespread belief that the electronic structure of high temperature
superconductors is characterized by an inhomogeneous distribution of charge
and spin in which the spins on the copper atoms form antiferromagnetic
stripes, separated by domain walls carrying the charge. Although theory
suggests that stripe formation should be a universal property of the cuprates,
solid experimental evidence for stripes has been found so far only for
a particular compound (LNSCO), in which the stripes are static and are
apparently detrimental to superconductivity. However, dynamic stripes are
much more difficult to detect : one way is to look for fingerprints of
the dynamic charge structure on the atomic vibrations. Indeed, recent results
of phonon studies on the YBCO family have been interpreted as evidence
of the formation of dynamic stripes. These results will be discussed in
the light of our own extensive inelastic neutron scattering investigations
on the same compounds