A project for testing ITER relevant ECRH technology on long-pulse

tokamak discharges in Tore Supra


G. Giruzzi, V. Basiuk, G. Bosia, M. Lennholm, R. Magne

Association EURATOM-CEA sur la Fusion

DSM / Département de Recherches sur la Fusion Contrôlée

CEA-Cadarache,   13108  St. Paul-lez-Durance  (FRANCE)


W. Kasparek

Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Plasmaforschung,

Pfaffenwaldring 31, D‑70569 Stuttgart (GERMANY)


R. Heidingera), G. Dammertz b), B. Piosczyk b), M.Thumm b)

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Association EURATOM-FZK,

a)Inst. für Materialforschung I, b)Inst. für Hochleistungsimpuls- und Mikrowellentechnik

Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe (GERMANY)


A.G.A. Verhoeven, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn

FOM-Instituut voor Plasmafysica "Rijnhuizen"

Association Euratom-FOM, Postbus 1207, 3430BE Nieuwegein (NETHERLANDS)


A.Bruschi, S. Cirant

IFP CNR Milano, EURATOM Association (ITALY)


The development of an ECRH system for ITER calls for a complex testing procedure, in order to meet the severe requirements of the reactor environment.  This procedure will include laboratory tests of the single components, as well as integrated tests of an ITER-like system.  Such integrated tests can be done on a dedicated test-bed, however, the reliability required for such a system can only be demonstrated in a real tokamak environment.  A basic element to make such integrated test procedure satisfactory is the demonstration of  a repetitive use of the ECRH system in very long pulses, of the same duration of a typical ITER discharge, i.e., of the order of 300 s.  The only large tokamak presently offering this possibility is Tore Supra, on which 250 s plasma discharges have already been realised.  To this end, a European project to implement this type of tests on Tore Supra is presently under study.  It involves the loan of some 140 GHz cw gyrotrons from IPP Greifswald, the development of an ITER relevant remote steering system with CVD diamond windows, adaptation of the Tore Supra ECRH antenna by the implementation of  new focusing mirrors, and extensive tests on long pulse Tore Supra discharges sustained by Lower Hybrid Current Drive.  The physics and technology ingredients of the project will be presented and discussed.



als Vortrag: IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER in

Kloster Seeon, Germany, 14-16 July 2003



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