•Roland Hott, Alexander Zaitsev und Rudolf Schneider
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Festkörperphysik,
P.O.B. 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
We present a general scheme how to extract the response function Z(H)
= åm Zm Hm
for a nonlinear reaction of a quantity E(H) = Z(H) H on an input H from
two-tone intermodulation distortion (IMD) experiments using a time-dependent
excitation H(t) = h cos(w0 t)cos(d0
t). We applied this method with success to high-temperature superconductor
(HTS) rf resonators to identify here the mechanism of nonlinear signal
distortions. Comparison of the experimental 3rd-order IMD I3(pcirc)
measured as function of rf power pcirc with the theoretical
I3(h) given in terms of the excitation amplitude h gives direct
access to h(pcirc). We derived very similar characteristic parameters
from HTS resonators with extremely different geometries. They suggest a
divergence of Z(H) which can be identified with the critical magnetic field
Hc2 of the superconductor. From comparison of the theoretical
function Z(pcirc) with the experimental surface impedance ZS(pcirc)
= RS(pcirc)+iXS(pcirc) of a
HTS disk resonator we deduce Z(pcirc) µ
RS(pcirc) identifying the rf power induced dissipation
increase as dominant IMD source.