•F. Käppeler1, J. Görres2, R.C. Haight3,
M. Heil1, R. Plag1, R. Reifarth3, R.S.
Rundberg3, M. Wiescher2 und J.B. Wilhelmy3
1Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Kernphysik,
Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
2Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN 46556, USA
3Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
87545, USA
Inhomogeneous big bang models offer a possibility to bridge the mass
gaps at A=5 and 8 via the reaction sequence
Subsequent neutron captures
will then lead to the production of 14C which has a half-life
of 5730 years. On the time scale of big bang nucleosynthesis 14C
can be considered as stable and further proton, alpha, deuteron, and neutron
capture reactions on 14C will result in the production of heavier
nuclei (A ³ 20). Due to the high neutron
abundance it is expected that the 14C(n,g)
reaction competes strongly with the other reactions. The
reaction is also important to validate (n,g)
cross sections obtained via the inverse reaction by the Coulomb breakup
method. 14C is one of the few nuclei where the (n,g)
reaction can be measured directly and compared with results of Coulomb
breakup experiments, in this case on the neutron-rich isotope 15C.
In this contribution we report on new measurements of the 14C(n,g)
reaction at neutron energies of 30, 150, and 500 keV using the fast cyclic
activation technique.