•T.R. Lixandru1, Th. Berghöfer2, H. Blümer2,
P. Buchholz1, J. Engler2, J.R. Hörandel2,
J. Milke2, S. Plewnia2, W. Walkowiak1
und J. Wochele2 für die KASCADE-Grande-Kollaboration
1Universität Siegen, Fachbereich Physik, 57068 Siegen
2Universität and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut
of Kernphysik, 76344 Leopoldshafen
In the KASCADE-Grande experiment at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe,
a hadron sampling calorimeter equipped with liquid ionization chambers
is used. The chambers are filled with the warm liquids tetramethylpentane
(TMP) and tetramethylsilane (TMS). In order to obtain calibration data,
a similar calorimeter was built and tested at CERN in 2003. It consists
of 15 layers (1×1 m2) of liquid ionisation chambers filled
with TMP at room temperature. Between these layers there are 13 iron absorbers
of 10 cm thickness each. In addition one layer of lead absorber (5 cm thick)
is installed between the first and the second layer of the ionisation chambers.
The energy deposited was measured for three types of particles (hadrons,
muons and electrons) with energies between 15 GeV and 350 GeV. The data
taken are compared to the results of Monte Carlo simulations employing
the FLUKA code. Results of the analysis will be presented.