•H.-G. Boyen1, K. Fauth2, B. Stahl3,
P. Ziemann1, G. Kästle1, F. Weigl1,
F. Banhart4, M. Heßler2, G. Schütz3,
N.S. Gajbhiye5, J. Ellrich6, H. Hahn6,
M. Büttner7, M.G. Garnier7 und P. Oelhafen7
6Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften, Petersenstr.
23, TU Darmstadt, D-64287 Darmstadt
7Institut für Physik, Universität Basel, Klingelbergstr.
82, CH-4056 Basel
1Abteilung Festkörperphysik, Universität Ulm,
D-89069 Ulm
2Experimentelle Physik IV, Universität Würzburg,
Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg
3MPI für Metallforschung, Heisenbergstraße 1,
D-70689 Stuttgart
4Zentrale Einrichtung Elektronenmikroskopie, Universität
Ulm, D-89069 Ulm
5Institut für Nanotechnologie, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe,
D-76021 Karlsruhe
Ordered arrays of well separated and atomically pure FePt nanoparticles
(diameter 3.7 nm) have been prepared under UHV conditions by employing
a combination of oxygen/hydrogen plasmas allowing to completely remove
the organic ligands which are present after particle synthesis. The plasma
treatments conserve, however, the order of the particle arrangement. This
enables us to investigate, for the first time, the electronic structure
and the magnetic properties of bare, ligand-free fcc FePt particles by
means of X-ray induced photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray Magnetic
Circular Dichroism (XMCD), respectively. First results about the electronic
density of states and the magnetic behavior of the nanoparticle array will
be presented.