Status of the 140 GHz / 10 MW CW Transmission System for
ECRH on the Stellarator W7-X
W. Kasparek(1), H.Braune(2),
G.Dammertz(3), V.Erckmann(2), G.Gantenbein(1), F.Hollmann(2), M.Grünert(1), W.
KasparekH.Kumric(1), L.Jonitz(2), H.P.Laqua(2), W.Leonhardt(3),
G.Michel(2), F.Noke(2), B.Plaum(1), M.Schmid(3), T.Schulz(2), K.Schwörer(1), M.Thumm(3), M.Weissgerber(2)
(1) IPF,
Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 31, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany.
(2) MPI für Plasmaphysik,
EURATOM-Association, Greifswald, Germany.
(3) FZ
Karlsruhe, IHM, Association Euratom-FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany.
The stellarator W7-X which is
currently under construction in at IPP-Greifswald, Germany, will be equipped
with a powerful 10 MW ECRH system, working at 140 GHz. The ECRH
system is designed to operate in cw regime. The microwave power
will be generated by 10 gyrotrons delivering 1 MW each and will be transmitted
from the gyrotron hall to the machine W7-X stellarator ports via a fully optical
system. .. The
transmission system consists of 10 short single-beam waveguides (SBWG)mirror sections
including matching optics and polarizers for each gyrotron, and two multi-beam waveguides (MBWGs,mirror sections ( length appr.
44 m) which transmit 5 beams each to the torus hall. Near to the stellarator ports, the beams are
separated again and launched by individual antennas to the plasma. The launchers allow for
arbitrary toroidal (EC-current drive) and poloidal (on/off axis heating)
launch angle of each beam. All mirrors (more than 160) are water- cooled and can
be adjusted remotely.
In the
talk, Tthe
status of the construction of the transmission lines and the design of the
launchers is reported. Low-power tests
of a prototype system at IPF Stuttgart are reviewed, showing high transmission
performance (efficiency 90 %, mode purity 98 %).
The first gyrotron is now operating
at IPP Greifswald, and high-power long-pulse tests have started. Measurements on transmission performance, behaviour of
the water-cooled mirrors under thermal and microwave loads as well as alignment
issues, characteristics of directional couplers, calorimetric loads and other
diagnostics are discussed.
At present, Tthe system is presently being prepared
for high-power tests
of a mock-up for a the remote steering antenna as planned for
ECRH/ECCD on ITER. and possibleFirst results of these
experiments are presented.