Low-Intensity Laser-triggering of
Multichannel Spark Gaps
W. Frey
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, D76021, Karlsruhe, Germany
parallel-series connection of several pulse lines in large pulsed power
facilities demands for a high degree of synchronization of the single pulse
line switches. In order to achieve an optimum output pulse rise-time the
switching jitter should be in the sub-nanosecond range.
laser-triggering of spark gaps uses energies in the mJ range for low-jitter
laser-triggering. Consequently, the required trigger laser energy for a large
scale pulsed power generator, involving several 10s of laser triggered switches
is high.
A new
approach for low-intensity, low-energy laser triggering will be presented.
Magnesium aerosol particles are added to the switching gas. The photoemission
of seed electrons from small aerosol particles exhibits an extreme high quantum
Even at
trigger-laser energies of 200 nJ, the jitter of a multichannel spark gap was
less than 1 ns.
The switch
geometry, the laser beam guidance and the switch performance, depending on the
gas composition, the trigger voltage and the laser energy, will be presented.