Improvement of the CFC
structure to withstand high heat flux
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology
P.B. 3640, D-76021, Karlsruhe, Germany
Carbon fibre composites (CFC)
of NB31 and NS31 grades developed for the divertor armour of the future tokamak
ITER have shown a high thermal conductivity and a low erosion rate appropriate
for the tokamak stationary regimes with characteristic temperatures of
1000-1500 K [1]. However, experimental
and numerical investigation of these CFC erosion under extreme heat flux at not
normal ITER events, like edge localized modes (ELM), and vertical displacement
events (VDE) revealed their high erosion rates by brittle destruction in the
temperature range of 3000 - 4000 K. This high erosion rate is
explained by the new erosion mechanism due to local CFC overheating (LOEM) and
enhanced brittle destruction of the overheated sites [2]. LOEM exists due to
the complex structure of CFC, which consists of carbon matrix and carbon fibre
reinforcement. Main component of the reinforcement, the pitch fibres,
perpendicular to the surface, provides high heat conductivity of CFC. A large
difference of fibre and matrix coefficients of thermal expansion is essential
for LOEM. Enhancement of erosion in LOEM is due to the preferential cracking on
the interfaces between fibres and matrix followed by thermal isolation of the
PAN fibres from the matrix.
This work deals with the CFC
structure optimisation with respect to the erosion rate minimisation. From the
results of the numerical simulations done in [2] and in this work the
conclusion follows that for a significant improvement of the CFC erosion
resistance against the ITER off normal events (ELMs, VDEs and disruptions) the
structure of CFC should have as less fibres parallel to the armour surface
(e.g. weaving and needling fibres) as possible. The pitch fibres, which provide
high thermal conductivity of CFC, do not cause erosion enhancement. The best
way would be to have one-dimensional CFC with the pitch fibres perpendicular to
the surface only. But, one-dimensional CFCs have too weak breaking strength and
cleave asunder under high heat flux. The simulations performed using the code
PEGASUS-3D [2] allowed proposition of a new three-dimensional CFC structure of
minor distinction from NB31, but without its weak elements that cause the
erosion enhancement. Simulation of the newly proposed CFC structure confirmed
several times smaller erosion rate. Besides, one can expect that new CFC keep
good enough macroscopic breaking strength due to the very small modification of
CFC structure.
[1] G.
Federici et al; Key ITER plasma edge and plasma–material interaction issues. Journal of Nuclear
Materials Volumes
313-316, March 2003, 11-22
[2] S. Pestchanyi et al, 3-D simulation of macroscopic erosion of CFC under ITER
off-normal heat loads, Fusion Engineering and Design. V. 66-68C pp. 271-276.
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