J. Halbritter
Forschungzentrum Karlsruhe, IHM
intrinsic surface resistance of superconductors RBCS(T,f,B) is
degraded by extrinsic effects which actually limit applications, e.g., by rf
breakdown or severe heat load. Examples for extrinsic effects are, NbOx(x<0.2)-cluster changing RBCS(T,f,B),
residual losses Rres, R(E,B) increasing with rf electric field Ep
or with rf magnetic field Bp, or heating ∆T of the cavity surface relative to the He-bath. With the now
available material qualities and surface preparation gross local defects are
rare and global degradations show up. Aside of the rf residual losses Rres
related to Nb-Nb2O5 interfaces at external surfaces or at
weak links, extrinsic field dependencies are encountered reaching from Q-slope,
i.e. dR µ RBCS (T,f) (1 + g(Brf/Bc)2 + h (Brf/Bc)4 +) with g > h as the begin of a Taylor series and Bc(0) ≃ 0.2 T, to Q-drop, i.e. dRE µ exp(-c/Ep) without field emission, and to
Rhys µ wBrf/jcJ with jcJ the
critical current density of weak links. For carefully prepared and oxidized Nb
Rres(T,f)≳1(f/GHz)2nW have been attained. In bulk Nb cavities immersed in He a Q-slope with g (T < 2.17K=Tl) ≲ 0.2 – 3 has been reached turning above Tl to g ≳ 10 – 20 confirming ∆T heating by the Kapitza thermal boundary
resistance as main cause. Thermal interface resistances in sputtered Nb cavities
yield, e.g. g(T) ≃ 20 – 100, simulating an exponential R(B)-increase via
the exponential RBCS(T + ∆T,f,B) increase. The Q-drop is
explained by interfacial tunnel exchange of Nb with Nb2O5.
Internal surfaces, i.e., weak links, as they occur by oxidation along grain
boundaries or at other defects, e.g., in cold worked Nb, yield hysteresis
losses Rhys at rather low fields. Because of jcJ(T ≲ Tc/2) ≃ const, Rres(T £ Tc/2)
and Rhys(T £ Tc/2) are T-independent for Nb, like the interface losses d R µ exp (-c/Ep), whereas the Q-slope replicates via g(T)RBCS(T) the BCS surface resistance in its T-dependence for
RBCS(T + ∆T) > Rres + Rhys
+ RE. All observations, up to
date, can be explained in the above frame work, showing the importance of
detailed analysis of R(T,f,B)-dependencies and pointing toward locally piled up
rf losses transferred to interfaces and then to He being the key for further
improvements of peak fields and for the reduction of rf losses.