M. Thumm1a,2,
S. Alberti3, A. Arnold2, G. Dammertz1a, V Erckmann7, G. Gantenbein6, E. Giguet4,
R. Heidinger1b, J.-P. Hogge3, S. Illy1a,
W. Kasparek6, H.P. Laqua7, C. Liévin4, R. Magne5,
G. Michel7, B. Piosczyk1a, K. Schwörer6, M.Q. Tran3, X. Yang1a
1Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Association
Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany. e-mail:
2IHE Universität Karlsruhe, 3CRPP
Lausanne, 4TED Vélizy-Villacoublay,
5CEA Cadarache, 6IPF Universität Stuttgart, 7IPP
The program aims towards the development and
installation of a 10 MW, continuously (30 minutes) operated ECRH system at 140
GHz for the stellarator W7-X at the Max-Planck-Institute of Plasma Physics
(IPP) Greifswald (in collaboration with CRPP Lausanne, IPF Stuttgart, CEA
Cadarache and TED). The conventional cavity gyrotron operates in the TE28,8
cavity mode and provides a linearly polarized, fundamental
Gaussian output beam. It is composed of a diode-type electron gun, an improved
beam tunnel, a high-mode-purity low-ohmic-loss cavity with rounded transitions,
an optimized non-linear uptaper, a highly efficient
internal quasi-optical mode converter employing an improved
launcher together with one quasi-elliptical and two beam shaping reflectors, a
large single-stage depressed collector (SDC)
a beam shaping magnet, and a horizontal RF output through a large-aperture,
water edge-cooled, single-disk CVD-diamond window. The prototype gyrotron
delivered an output power of 970 kW (efficiency: 44%) for a pulse
length of 11.7 s, and 890 kW (42%) for 180 s (limit of the HV power supply at
FZK). At reduced electron beam current (30 A), the pulse length could be
increased to 939 s at 539 kW (506 MJ). For this case the limitation was given by the increase of the internal pressure. At even more reduced electron beam current and lower output power of 257
kW a pulse length of 1300 s could be achieved. The reasons for not achieving
completely the specified output power and pulse lengths are understood. To
overcome the present limitations the gyrotron design has been slightly
modified. A better quality assurance of the cathode emitter ring for
homogeneous electron emission is being performed and the ion getter pumps have
to be placed outside in order to avoid overheating by stray radiation. With
these modifications the first series tube has been
tested in short pulse operation and the output power of 1 MW at the specified
electron beam current of 40 A (acc. voltage = 77.5 kV,
without SDC) could be achieved. At a current of 50 A an output power of 1.15 MW
could be obtained. The results of short pulse
the presently performed long pulse operation will be reported.