Institut für Materialforschung I

Leiter:                   Prof. Dr. K.-H. Zum Gahr


ICFRM-12                                                                                                  Santa Barbara, 4-9 December 2005




A comprising steady-state creep model for the austenitic AISI 316 L(N) steel


Michael Rieth


Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Materialforschung I, Karlsruhe, Germany


Among many other applications the 17Cr12Ni2Mo steel 316 L(N) is envisaged for ITER applications. Since creep data allowing statements to be made about the stress dependence of steady-state creep rate had been almost unavailable, a special long-term creep testing program at 550 °C and 600 °C was started in 1991. After an experimental period of about 10 years the creep tests have been either finished or aborted, and evaluated. Now this low-stress creep data not only allow for a much better long-term prediction of the reliability of 316 L(N) applications but also enable deformation modeling for a broader stress range.

The present work focuses mainly on the set-up of a steady-state creep model with help of rate-equations well known for different deformation mechanisms, such as diffusional flow, dislocation climb, and dislocation glide. In addition, the impact of microstructure and precipitation formation on steady-state creep is outlined and discussed. The resulting creep model consists of a summation of contributions for diffusion creep, power-law creep, and power-law breakdown (transition to pure dislocation glide). Most model parameters are either known material constants or could be directly deduced from the available data while a few free parameters had to be adjusted to the experiments. As a result, the creep model agrees well with experimental data for temperatures between 550 °C and 750 °C and for shear stresses down to 30 MPa. For very low stresses the model predicts far higher creep rates as usually extrapolated from tests performed at the medium stress range.


249 words (max. 250 words)



Corresponding Author:    Dr. Michael Rieth

                                       Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, IMF-I

                                       Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1

                                       76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

                                       P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

                                       Tel. +49 7247 82 2909, Fax +49 7247 82 4567