Status of Pulsed Laser Fluorescence Microscopy at FZK Karlsruhe

Experiments on the Characteristics of ANNINE-6


Wolfgang Frey

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls- und Mikrowellentechnik,

D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany


Two years ago, an experiment for monitoring the membrane charging of biological cells on the nanosecond time was built up in cooperation with the Center for Bioelectrics (CBE) at Norfolk, VA. Currently, at the CBE the membrane charging of mammalian cells is investigated. The main objective at IHM is to characterize the membrane charging of plant tissue. Both groups use a new voltage sensitive dye, ANNINE-6, for the determination of the temporal development of the transmembrane voltage during field exposure.

In principle, the cells under consideration are stained by the voltage sensitive dye and exposed to an external electric field. At a certain time during field exposure, the stained cells are illuminated by a 5 ns long laser pulse. The response from the cells is monitored by a fluorescence microscope. The intensity of the fluorescence response from the dye molecules attached to the membrane gives information about the membrane voltage at the time of illumination.

After an introduction into the technique, the presentation shows first results of the fluorescence response from stained onion tissue. 100 ns after the beginning of the field exposure, all membranes of the cells of the onion tissue show a depolarization, which is a discharging of the membrane beginning at the resting potential (-50mV) to positive values.

This is in contrast to the theoretical expectations. Membrane sections facing the Anode should show a hyperpolarization, i.e. a charging of the membrane from the resting potential to negative values.

To clarify this discrepancy to theory, experiments on HEK293 cells were started. Calibration curves for this cell line are known from literature. The results of the fluorescence response from HEK293 will be discussed in detail for different excitation wavelengths (440nm and 468nm) and for different values of the external electrical field strength.