Low cycling fatique tests of surface modified
T91 steel in Pb45Bi55 at 550°C
A. Heinzel a,
C. Fazio a, G. Müller
a, A. Weisenburger a, V.G.
Markov b, A.D. Kastanov b
a Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH,
Institute for Pulse Power and Microwave Technology, P.O. Box 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
PROMETEY, 193015
LCF test in air and LBE containing
10-6 wt% dissolved oxygen were conducted with T91 steel at 550°C.
T91 was employed in two modifications, one in the as received state, the other after alloying FeCrAlY
into the surface by pulsed electron beam treatment (GESA process). Tests were
carried out with symmetrical cycling (R = -1) with the frequency of 0.5 Hz and
elongation of 0.3 - 2%. No influence from LBE on fatigue could be detected.
Results in air and LBE show similar behaviour. Additionally, no difference was
observed between surface treated and none treated T91 specimens.