B44 - Materials for advanced fission applications
Program on Materials qualification for Heavy liquid metal cooled Transmutation
C. Fazio1, A. Almazouzi2, Y.
Dai3, A. Doubkova4 A. Gessi5, D. Gorse6,
J. Henry7, L. Magielsen8, G. Müller1, L. Soler
1 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe,
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
2 Studiecent. voor
Kernenerg. - Centre D’Étude de L’Énerg. Nucléaire, Mol, Belgium
3 Paul Scherrer Institut;
Switzerland CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
4 Nuclear Research
Institute Rez plc, Husinec, Rez, Czech Republic
5 Ente Nazionale per le
nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente, Brasimone, Italy
6 CNRS-CECM, 15 rue Georges
Urbain, 94407 Vitry sur Seine cedex, France
7Commissariat à l'Energie
Atomique, Saclay, France
8Nuclear Research & consultancy Group, PO Box 25,
1755 ZG Petten,
9Centro de Investigac.
Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Madrid, Spain
FP6 project EUROTRANS aims to the demonstration of the feasibility to transmute
high level nuclear waste with Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS). Within this
objective the design of an eXperimental facility (XT-ADS) and a European Facility for Industrial Transmutation
(EFIT) are foreseen. Both the XT-ADS and the EFIT are subcritical
systems having as coolant Heavy Liquid Metals (HLM) (Pb-Bi
eutectic (LBE), Pb) and a liquid metal (usually LBE) spallation target as external neutron source. An important
activity of the EUROTRANS project is the performance assessment of the
reference structural materials in design relevant conditions. The selected
reference materials are the ferritic/martensitic (FM)
steel “T91” and the austenitic steel “AISI 316L”. The experimental program foresees the study of these steels and also of
Fe, Al based corrosion protection barriers, in contact with HLM, where
corrosion kinetics and mechanical properties are investigated. Moreover, irradiation
studies are also performed. The irradiation program includes experiments in a
fast neutron field (Phénix reactor) and in a proton /
neutron field (SINQ spallation source). Experiments to investigate simultaneous effect of LBE and neutron
irradiation on the T91 steel are underway in order to assess the stability of
the corrosion protection barrier and the mechanical properties changes of the
steel. These experiments, which are unique in their kind, are being performed
in the reactors BR2 and HFR.
The aim of this work is to discuss the rationale of the materials
R&D program, which has been defined taking into account past experimental
programs and the operational conditions of the subcritical
systems as specified by the Design team. First experimental results will be
also presented and discussed.
This work is supported by the EC FP6
Project EUROTRANS under the contract: FI6W-CT-2005-516520