T. A. Scherer, R. Heidinger, D. Strauss, A. Meier,
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Association
EURATOM-FZK, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
e-mail: theo.scherer@imf.fzk.de
The talk describes the technical specifications
and design guidelines for non-metallic replaceable window assemblies for ITER. All
relevant material aspects will be discussed.
Ultra low mm-wave loss CVD diamond window
assemblies with loss tangent tan d < 10-4 have been manufactured by
special brazing technique. The status of the window design and the brazing
technique is reviewed. In a new R&D phase the influence of the brazing
material and technique (Ag/Cu and aluminium diffusion bonding) on the
performance of the diamond disk will be investigated. Diamond disks from
different companies will be compared with respect to the applicability. A first
characterisation will be performed by low power RF measurements, pressure tests
and thermohydraulic analysis. In collaboration with JAEA high power RF tests
are planned to determine the temperature distribution by IR imaging and to
investigate arcing processes. For this purpose special modified window
assemblies (steel/copper/diamond) will be manufactured.
possible exchanges are proposed with JAEA (K. Sakamoto, K. Takahashi) on design
of torus windows for ECH Launchers at ITER (equatorial and upper port plugs) and
low and high power testing of window units.