and assessing effects of N-deposition in forest ecosystems in
Ralf Kiese, Sandra Wochele, Christoph Heinzeller,
Rüdiger Grote and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Meteorology
and Climate Research
Environmental Research (IMK-IFU),
Over the last decades naturally N
limited forest ecosystems in
For assessing the multiple effects
of N-deposition in forest ecosystems in Germany, MOBILE-Forest-DNDC realisation
- a process oriented biogeochemical model for simulation of C and N turnover
and soil acidification - was applied on site and on regional scale for actual
and future climate and atmospheric deposition conditions to assess effects on GHG
emissions, nitrate leaching, soil nutrient and acidification status. Finally, first
results of the linkage between the biogeochemical Forest-DNDC model and the