Progress of the 10-MW 140-GHz ECH System for
the Stellarator W7-X
M. Thumm1,2, P. Brand4, H. Braune3, V. Erckmann3, G. Gantenbein1,
S. Illy1, W. Kasparek4,
H. P. Laqua3, C. Lechte4, N.B. Marushchenko3, G. Michel3, B. Piosczyk1, M. Schmid1, Y. Turkin3, M. Weissgerber3 and the W7-X
ECH-Teams at FZK Karlsruhe1, IPP Greifswald3 and IPF
1Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe,
Association EURATOM-FZK,
Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls-
und Mikrowellentechnik (IHM),
D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
2Universität Karlsruhe, Institut
für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (IHE),
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
3Max-Planck-Institut für
Plasmaphysik, Association EURATOM-IPP, Teilinstitut Greifswald,
D-17491 Greifswald, Germany
4Universität Stuttgart, Institut
für Plasmaforschung (IPF),
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
During the last years, electron cyclotron heating
(ECH) was proven to be one of the most attractive heating schemes for
stellarators because it provides net-current-free plasma startup and heating.
Both the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), which is under construction at the
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik,
The heating- and current drive scenarios, which support
W7-X operation at various magnetic fields and in different density regimes are
reviewed. The ECH plant consists of ten RF-modules with 1 MW power each. The
commissioning of the entire ECH-installation is in an advanced state and the
status will be presented. All supporting systems like the superconducting-magnets,
the water cooling plant, the cryogenic plant, the main power supply and all
high-voltage modulators are completed and operating.
The ten gyrotrons at W7-X will be arranged in two
subgroups symmetrically to a central beam duct in the ECH hall. The RF beams of
each subgroup will be combined and transmitted by a purely optical
multibeam-waveguide transmission line from the gyrotrons to the torus. The
combination of five 1 MW gyrotron beams to one beam line with a power of
5 MW reduces the complexity of the system considerably. Cold tests of a
full-size uncooled prototype line delivered an efficiency exceeding 90%. The
mm-wave power will be launched to the plasma through ten synthetic diamond
barrier windows and in-vessel quasi-optical plug-in launchers, allowing each
1-MW RF beam to be steered independently. The polarization, as well as the
poloidal and toroidal launch angles, will be adjusted individually to provide
optimum conditions for different heating and current-drive scenarios.
Integrated high power CW tests of the full transmission system (except the in
vessel components) were performed recently and are compared to the low power
measurements. The work presently concentrates on the front end of the
transmission system near the W7-X torus and on the in-vessel components.
The ECH system at W7-X has been used to develop and
test advanced ECH components such as a fast directional switch and beam
combiner and an improved sweeping method for
gyrotron collector power dissipation.