Magnetic Nanocomposites:

A New Perspective for Catalytic Application


A. Gorschinski1, W. Habicht1, O. Walter1, E. Dinjus1, S. Behrens1


1 Institut für Technische Chemie, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Campus Nord, Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe



Recently, the synthesis and application of functional magnetic nanocomposites, e.g. based on silica-encapsulated nanomagnets have attracted increasing interest in catalysis research. Such hybrid nanocomposite species reveal sustainable catalytic activities and great advantages concerning catalyst recycling processes. For this purpose magnetic particles with a large magnetization are required to achieve a facile manipulation of the catalyst by an external magnetic field. Thus efforts have been made to produce mesoscale spheres by encapsulating superparamagnetic nanoparticles in a non-magnetic SiO2 matrix. Various sol-gel based strategies have been used for generating silica-encapsulated iron oxide particles.1 However, reports on silica-encapsulated magnetic metal particles like Co, Fe, or Ni are scarce, even though many advantages are expected (e.g., large saturation magnetization, enhanced magnetophoretic mobility).

We take advantage of amino-functionalized siloxanes not only to directly control particle nucleation and growth by coordinating to the metal surface but also to provide reactive siloxane groups on the particle surface as a functional interface for further deposition of oxides, such as SiO2 and TiO2.2 This procedure permits the synthesis of Co and Fe nanoparticles of various sizes by thermolysis of Co2(CO)8 or Fe(CO)5 in solution, respectively, and the preparation of mesoscale magnetic composite particles. The reaction mechanism was investigated by UV-visible and FTIR spectrometry; the size, structure, and magnetic properties of the particles were characterized by TEM, EDX, XPS, Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, AES-ICP, and magnetic measurements.

Catalytic magnetic microspheres were prepared by applying a three-step protocol: (1) The APTES-functionalized Co nanoparticles (Fig.1a) were initially aggregated into mesoscale spherical particles (Fig.1b). (2) A 30 nm-sized SiO2 layer was then developed through surface APTES by using a sol-gel technique (Fig.1c). (3) In the last step the catalytically active compound was deposited either by developing an additional TiO2 layer (Fig.1d) or by immobilizing a homogeneous rhodium catalyst (Fig.2).





Created by Digital Micrograph, Gatan Inc.VA-106-02-5h Co-APS 1-1 KorantinSH 040707 g




Fig. 1: TEM images showing Co@APTES-nanoparticles (a) their spherical aggregates (b), Co@SiO2-microsphere (c) and TiO2 coated Co@SiO2-microsphere (d).

The activity, selectivity, and magnetic recycling of the immobilized rhodium complex were investigated in hydroformylation reactions using 1-octene as model substrate.


Fig. 2: Co@SiO2-immobilized rhodium catalyst


TiO2 is an interesting photocatalyst used for the treatment of biological or organic pollutants in water3. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 functionalized microspheres was investigated by using the decomposition of methylene blue as a model reaction.



Fig. 3: Magnetic separation of the photocatalyst from solution after degradation of methylene blue.




We acknowledge Raphael Posselt, Sarah Essig, and Bernhard Powietzka for technical assistance.




[1]   A.P. Philipse, M. P. van Bruggen, C. Pathmammanoharan, Langmuir, 1994, 10, 92.

[2]   A. Gorschinski, G. Khelashvili, D. Schild, W. Habicht, R. Brand, M. Ghafari, H. Bönnemann, E. Dinjus, S. Behrens, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 8829. 

[3]   X. M. Song, J. M. Wu, M. Yan, Thin Solid Films, 2009, 517, 4341.