On the Way to Combined DIAL and Raman Lidar
Sounding of Water Vapour at UFS
Lisa Klanner, Thomas Trickl
and Hannes Vogelmann
Institut für Technologie, IMK-IFU, Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19, D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), E mail: thomas trickl@imk.fzk.de
The primary
greenhouse gas water vapour has moved into the focus of lidar sounding within the Network for the
Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). Lidar systems with an
operating range reaching at least the tropopause region are asked for, with
some hope of future extension into the stratosphere. As a first step, we
installed in 2003 a powerful differential-absorption lidar (DIAL) at the
Schneefernerhaus high-altitude research station 300 m below the Zugspitze
summit (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany) [1]. This lidar system, located at
2675 m a.s.l., provides water-vapour profiles in the
entire free troposphere above 3 km with high vertical resolution and an
accuracy of about 5 % up to 8 km without discernible bias [2,3].
Most importantly, due to the high sensitivity of the
DIAL technique this wide operating range is also achieved during daytime and
under dry conditions.
A range extension of the DIAL measurements into the stratosphere would
require a research platform located at an unrealistic altitude of about 7.5 km
[1]. Here, the stronger absorption band of H2O around 935 nm could
be used. Due to the very low stratospheric water-vapour mixing ratio of about 5 ppm
lidar sounding of H2O in the stratosphere is a highly demanding task
for all lidar methods. On the other hand the lack of sufficiently accurate routine measurements with
other instrumentation (such as radiosondes or
microwave radiometers) between roughly 10 and 20 km is a strong motivation for
the lidar community. Our solution is a particularly big Raman lidar system, which is currently
under development at the Schneefernerhaus. By using a 350-W xenon-chloride
laser system (308 nm) and a 1.5-m-diameter receiver we hope to extend for the
first time accurate humidity measurements to almost 30 km. At the same time the
sensitivity for water vapour around the tropopause will be enhanced. The big XeCl laser (308 nm) is normally used for industrial production and
not fully suitable for the application in a scientific system. By using an
intra-cavity Fabry-Perot etalon and a thin-film
polarizer stable single-line operation with about 99.5 % spectral purity and a
linear polarization of 99.4 % have been achieved. A fraction of the radiation (up
to 19 %) is wavelength shifted by stimulated rotational Raman scattering in
hydrogen. This emission will serve as a reference for retrieving the ozone
density profile, which is necessary for correcting the absorption losses during
the upward propagation of the 308-nm beam. It will also be used for the
stratospheric and mesospheric temperature measurements that are based on the
atmospheric density determined by Rayleigh scattering. In the lower atmosphere
temperature measurement will be based on rotational Raman shifting. The
calibration of the Raman lidar will be ensured by simultaneous measurements
with the DIAL system.
[1] H. Vogelmann, T.
Trickl, Wide-range sounding of free-tropospheric water vapor
with a differential-absorption lidar (DIAL) at a high-altitude station, Appl.
Opt. 47 (2008), 2116-2132
[2] Wirth M., et
al., Intercomparison of Airborne
Water Vapour DIAL Measurements with Ground Based Remote Sensing and Radiosondes within the Framework of LUAMI 2008 Contribution S07-P01-1, 3 pp. in: Proc. 8th International
Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, A. Apituley, H. W. J. Russchenberg,
W. A. A. Monna, Eds.,
http://cerberus.rivm.nl/ISTP/pages/index.htm, ISBN 978-90-6960-233-2.
[3] H.
Vogelmann, R. Sussmann, T. Trickl, T. Borsdorff, Intercomparison of atmospheric water vapor
soundings from the differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and the solar FTIR
system on Mt. Zugspitze, Atmos. Meas. Technol. 3 (2011), 835–841